I'm playing a mix of classic and alternative rock covers in a typical rock
band (keys, two guitars, bass, drums, lead vocalist). While the synth is
not useful in EVERY song, I do add a bit more of it than one might think --
Shout (Tears for Fears) -- We do this in an updated, grunge-y way (a.k.a.
Foo Fighters or Mettalica, with Hammond organ added), but we add a nod to
the original in the middle (right after the very short organ solo): The
band basically drops out, except for the drummer, and the whole song turns
electronic for sixteen bars. I play a voice-like part on the AN1x layered
to my Alesis S4, and bass on my DarkStar. Then, it's back into the grunge.
Woman From Tokyo (Deep Purple) -- During the entire middle break, an AN1x
sequence bubbles beneath the song. I started with the stock "Alan"
setting, but altered the sound slightly to make it more noise-like, changed
the pattern to a major riff (rather than minor), and adjusted the tempo and
echo to 120bpm.
We also do some songs that already feature synth sounds (Cars, Gary Neuman,
Cheap Trick, Split Enz, etc.), but these are two examples of songs where
the synth had to fight to find a home. Essentially, I use the AN1x to add
techno-like textures to songs, keeping the band from sounding like every
other classic rock cover band you've ever heard.
Oh, and to answer a question asked earlier ...
Q: "Since when does All Along the Watchtower have flying saucer sounds?"
A: Since Jimmy put them there. (I, for one, like the interpretation.)
Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions™ www.ashbysolutions.com
CloneWheel Support Group and HiNote moderator
978.386.7389 voice/fax
bruce@...At 05:04 A 12/20/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>It's easy to make cool, new sounds with the AN1X. What I find hard is
>using the sounds in a musical way. Obviously there are some genres-
>dance, techno, and progressive rock that are more suited to
>synthesizers than others. Still, synthesizers have been used
>successfully in classic guitar rock-like Edgar Winter and Pete
>Townsend. Bob Marley has some killer synth sounds bubling in his
>music. Certainly funk and soul have always had cool electronic
>sounds. Some of the experimental classical music-Switched on Bach,
>etc., was cool. I can fit the obvious stuff in, the square wave lead
>etc. I want to put those cool metallic clanging evolving sounds the
>AN1X does so well and stick it into something cool.
>What kind of music are you playing?
>Rainbow Jimmy