I think u can use it for boost mid to high frequencies, to add sharp and
clear to your sound.
Sounds like add some high harmonics that the dry sound havent or have at
very low levels.
Mae be like an eq for boost high frequencies, but with the diference that
not work over all the spectrum like a normal eq.
Mae be im wrong, i write this based on my own experience.
PT. Sorry by my english
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Bruce Wahler [mailto:
Enviado el: Viernes, 07 de Diciembre de 2001 10:48 a.m.
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.comAsunto: Re: [AN1x-list] Aural Exciter
>Wonder if anyone can give a brief explanation of the Aural Exciter
>Variation Effect (#9)
>It seems to me that it segments the frequencies above the cutoff
>frequency, runs them through an overdrive and then reconstitutes the
>signal. (or something like that)
You're on the right track. I'm not sure if "runs them through and
overdrive" is correct, but the Aural Exciter seems to add a high frequency
presence, and maybe even some extra harmonics (???)
>Is this correct, or does it also do some animation (like a chorus)?
I don't believe so.
>Is this effect unique to Yamaha?
No, it's licensed from Aphex.
>Is it similar to the sonic maximizer (BBE)?
The END RESULT is similar. Whether the two methods use the same process is
difficult to figure out, as both companies consider their process something
of a trade secret, and so are not very forthcoming on the details.
Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions www.ashbysolutions.com
CloneWheel Support Group and HiNote moderator
978.386.7389 voice/fax
bruce@...Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
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