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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Aural Exciter

From: "Mike B (digiboy)" <digiboy@...>
Date: 2001-12-07

>Hello, No it's not unique to Yamaha, Aphex actually made the original I
>think you will find. I can't tell you exactly how it works, but from
>what I understand it 'adds' some frequencies that the brain is
>particularly drawn to and finds it hard to ignore (apparently babies
>crying and women screaming also produce this frequency!), not sure what
>else it does.

So is Aural Exciter a copyrighted name? Aphex is still very much in the
business .
Doesn't Aphex have any kind of control over the use of the term "Aural
Exciter" in the same fashion that Dolby owns the rights to that term for
it's noise reduction circuits. Does this mean the Yammy is actually using
the authorized Aphex effect system? I've seen other companies refer to
effects they call "audio Enhancers" and other such terms that imply the
same result but are surely not the same as the Aphex system.

Mike Berman