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Subject: Re: GG - Does the PLG150DX respond to bulk dump requests ?

From: "lars_arnwald" <lars.l.arnwald@...>
Date: 2001-12-06

Hi again Reggie,

Now I'm getting puzzled, I'm afraid I've missed something important.
Is this meaning I can get the settings of the hardwired patches of my
PLG150-AN sitting in a MU100R? That would be really great. In the
earlier discussions Gary said this is not possible.

Best Regards,

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Reggie <reggie@t...> wrote:
> Hi Lars, Yes, is the answer to your question. You have to be
> about the PLG card type that you buy, AFAIK it is the PLG100's that
> don't respond to a 'Bulk Request' message. But all of the 150's
do :-)
> The PLG150-AN definitely has a return path.