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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Yamaha Comments on Seq/Arp timing

From: "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@...>
Date: 2000-05-12

What is this doubletalk (excellent English expression meaning "sounds good
but means nothing")?
The way I understand him, he's saying that the soft/hardware can't keep up
with the midi clock in. Anyone else?

> > "....The reason that it doesn't seem to sync properly is that the
> > actual arpeggio pattern is offset (delayed) by a 32nd note
> > (independant of tempo as it must be, to be in sync). This is a
> > predictable musical value that represents a "window" of
> > opportunity
> > that the arpeggiator gives you in order to determine how many and
> > which notes you wish to arpeggiate...."
> >
> > I intend to slave the arpeggiator to an external tap tempo function.
> > Will I always be a 32nd note late? The last sentence seems a bit
> > cryptic. What do you get out of it?

Cryptic, yes. Sounds like engineering excuses for bad design. Clock in
means CLOCK, like tic tock, on time.... not delayed.