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Subject: Re: Might be buying a AN1x soon

From: "Jon" <jondl_2000@...>
Date: 2001-12-03

--- In AN1x-list@y..., cynixuk@y... wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie to synthesisers and may be buying a AN1x soon, is
> there anything I should be looking out for ?

Just the usual assortment of questions to the seller prior to purchase:
Are you the orignal onwer? Has the unit ever been serviced? Is it in
need of service at present? Do all the key/buttons/knobs/jacks &
outputs work? Is the original power supply included? How about a
sustain pedal, MIDI and/or audio cables - and the manuals too - are
they included in the deal?

> Ie are there any issues with second hand AN1x's.

No, not many. There was a known defect with an audible 'popping and
crackling' sound from the AN1x at start-up. This was ackowledged by
Yamaha and would be repaired free of charge while under warranty. I'm
uncertain of the policy for out of warranty repairs.

A very, very few users have experienced wacky behavior from the ribbon
controller but this has been accounted for as a loose physical
connection to the mother board from the controller. Not a big deal - I
chalk that one up to normal wear and tear and you can fix it yourself.
There's really been very few issues with the AN1x. It's a quality build
despite the 'blue plastic' appearance.

> Anything on the synth I should be trying before I buy ?

Make certain all the notes trigger, the mod & pitch wheels work along
with every button and knob, etc.

> Any advice on checks etc to do before I buy would be apprecited.

You might visit the Files section for the AN1x-list here at Yahoo!
Groups and check out the PDFs in the Documentation directory and the
items in the Tips & Tricks directory:

> Thanks

