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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT: sync issue

From: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Date: 2001-11-06


>I have been a member of the list for sometime now but normally just
>lurk. I now have a question even though it is a bit off topic of the
>list. I was woundering if it would be possible to midi sync all my gear
>with a live drummer. Either off the hi-hat or something similar. Mostly
>want to be able to sync drum machine and sequencer with the live drummer.

A company called Kahler used to make an item called the "Human Clock" in
the late 80's that does exactly what you want. It takes a 1/4" signal in,
averages it into a tempo, and then sends that tempo out as a MIDI clock. I
don't know how hard they are to find these days.

Alternatively, many sequencers have such a function; in Cakewalk, it's
called "tap tempo." I know you can use it when recording; I'm not sure
about the live aspects.

Now, the down side: These devices/methods work wonderfully/terribly,
depending on the music's (and drummer's) style. In order for the
synchronization to work, the drummer has to put out an evenly-spaced series
of pulses to create a tempo average. What the computer/device does is keep
a running average of the time signature of the last say, 16 hits, and
figures that this sample is a good representation of the tempo as a
whole. If your drummer has been called a "metronome" as a compliment, and
plays the hi-hat or bass drum on every beat, you're going to like the
results; if your drummer plays all over the map, but always averages out to
the right beat, it's not going to work as well. Also, certain musical
styles -- reggae, for example -- push and tug on the beat throughout the
song, and this can upset the system, too.

I hope this helps.



Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby Solutions™
CloneWheel Support Group and HiNote moderator
978.386.7389 voice 978.964.0547 fax