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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: M.A.R.S.

From: "Andrea TONI" <Andrea.Toni@...>
Date: 2001-10-30

> > also great Doepfer MS404 ??
> Hm, i don´t know, MS404, MB33II isn´t that almost the same? ;)

nonononono :-)))

the ms404 has a great VCF minimoog replica , external input for the filter
and 2 great LFOs that can go in high frequency mode ,u can get nice
FM inharmonic sounds when modulate the VCO, the knobs do send real analogues voltage
changes (nothing better then turning a real pot!)
.. pity they are crappy in quality and misbehave at the extreme of scale
.. I am working on replacing all of them with high quality alps and sfenice ..
a great synth .. much more then a 303 clone which I think the MB33 is.

> You also got Micro Q and Virus then i guess.

not yet :-)) I think I have too much already it is hard enough to
concentrate on the actual gears ..
but I keep my eyes open for some great SH price on both :-)


Andrea TONI VCO1 \ | |
Solar System and Space VCO2-->--VCF--->VCA---->DUCATI 996
Science Division (SO) VCO3 / | |
email: Andrea.Toni@...