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Subject: Re: Anyone else going for "Progressive Rock" sounds?

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-10-26

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Linda Dachtyl <lindaleed@e...> wrote:
> I use all my keyboards primarily for progressive rock sounds.
> Do some new age type stuff too and jazz piano and real Hammond.
> I have found the moog type sounds to be incredible. Up to this time, the
> only thing I would use if not a real Mini-Moog was a Kawai K-3 that I spent
> hours (days actually) programming and tweaking. The AN1X is so good at this,
> I wonder if I still need the K3. Not planning on selling it
> don't ask;-)!

The K3 was my first Synth. I loved that keyboard - should never have
sold it! But, of course I wanted the money for something 'better'
that's longs since been and gone :-( Sooner or later I'll pop for
another K3 simply for nostalgia's sake if for no practical reasons ;-)

