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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] AN1x-list Files: Clean-up time? Please read

From: "Bloke" <IskinUp@...>
Date: 2001-10-23

Hi mate,

I vote for bundled... its handy and fast connections are on the increase - that said Im on 56k modem, but my votes the same ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: jondl_2000@...
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 5:03 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] AN1x-list Files: Clean-up time? Please read

Hello all,
I've been sorting through our Files section here at Yahoo! Groups -
planning to do some clean-up soon. A few of us - myself included -
have double posted a number of the same files so I'm going to delete
most, if not all, the duplicates (as a start) to free up some storage

I noticed that one user reposted _most_all_ of the user voices as one
big download. Personally, I don't have a problem with this and I
understand it's convienant. However, it does use up twice as much of
our storage space as necessary since many files are duplicated.

So, my question is this: Would you (the List) prefer to have many
individual downloads as we do today or a smaller number of bundled
downloads. Example: All Yamaha voice sets, all 'Teklab' archived
voices, all Yahoo! voices, etc. I'd noticed another synth list uses a
system similar to this and it appears to be popular. Just to be clear
on the matter - I'm not getting rid of anything other than duplicate
files. Everbody's user voices will still be available!

Please reply back so I know what your preference is...Any other ideas
arw welcome too.

Thanks in advance,


p.s. - Reg, if you read this I'd thought to yank your Cubase files from
the Voice section and create a higher level directory for Cubase
specifc items. Are you down with this? Let me know otherwise...

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