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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] GG - PLG150AN on KENTON - CC7 and other things

From: "Paul Murphy" <merfman@...>
Date: 2001-10-13


Your hint on using the controller mapping feature of the PLG150AN to map CC7
to VCA Volume is not bad, and I will use it pending a better solution. It
has a couple of minor drawbacks 1) Sometimes VCA level affects timbre as
well as level and 2) You have to re-send the sysex after every program
change, or program it as part of every patch.

I tried cutting and pasting the SYSEX into a mixer map control for
convenience, but it didnt work. My solution now has been to map CC7 to my
PULSAR2's big mixer controlling the mixer 's faders on the PLG150AN's

This works, and Im assuming the output from the PLG150AN is really mono so
cant be panned either. In this case I will only take the left feed and
teach my PULSAR to pan the mixer channel using CC10.

Another thing I tried was mapping the chorus CC to the PLG150AN's CVO fine
tuning, but for some reason, that mapping is disabled by the matrix - any
thoughts as to why ?
