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Subject: Even more AN200 vs. AN1X comparison

From: "Timo Sandholm" <timo.sandholm@...>
Date: 2001-10-08


I'm just so happy. I finally got AN1x, so it seems to me that I'm the only one here to having both AN200 and AN1x now??? ;-D

I haven't compared them soundwise really, maybe I'll do that someday. But for now I feel(?) that AN1x sounds fatter and softer than AN200.

But what makes me really wonder is that, I was shocked how easy and logical the user interface of AN1x compared to that glumsy what should I press/turn next interface of AN200. What was Yamaha thinking here? Why they just didn't include same kind of voice editing system to AN200? Which leads me to another question. Why AN1x disappeared from market so rapidly after it was released, was there maybe some lawsuit thing going on? Were Yamaha forced to drop that product line maybe because of some copyright or something like that issues?


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