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----- Original Message -----
Fra: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Til: <>
Kopi: <>
Sendt: 26. september 2001 23:37
Emne: Re: [AN1x-list] an1x construction.
>I don't mind the plastic as much as I mind the wall wart. What were
>they thinking? Most pros won't gig with a wall wart instrument.
What they were thinking was that they could save cost, development time,
and a lot of certification hassles (UL, FCC, TUV, etc.) by separating the
AC power from the audio and low-voltage stuff. It allows Yamaha (and
others) to farm out the power supply part on a per-country basis, and focus
on the music part. I'm not fond of the trend, but it is DEFINITELY a
trend. In the past ten years, I have owned (or still own) the Fatar Studio
88; Alesis S4, Quadraverb+, Quadraverb GT, and Quadraverb 2; MIDIman 8x8
USB; Ensoniq KMX-8; Digitech S100; and the AN1x. All of these pieces are
considered "pro" equipment, and all have external power supplies. Most of
them have wall-wart style boxes.
One thing that you can do is to replace the "wall wart" supply with a small
switching supply like many laptop computers have. The supply is still
external, but it's usually lighter, better made, often works with
international voltages (100-240V), and has a removable power cord. It also
doesn't clog up a power strip like wall warts do. I use one that is about
the size of a pack of king-size cigarettes, not much heavier than the same,
and takes a power cord like the ones that boom boxes use. (I also sell
them in the music side of my business. If anyone is interested, contact me
off-line for more details.)
Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby SolutionsT
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice
978.964.0547 fax
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