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Subject: SV: [AN1x-list] an1x construction.

From: "J Acker" <jacker@...>
Date: 2001-09-28

One point... I always used to hate wall-warts too, but there is one thing (all the points you mentioned, which were excellent) and one other thing...

In a lot of equipment the power supply is the thing most likely to go, or put another way, if the power supply goes, you gotta get it repaired. Wall warts, you have know the rating in milliamps (maybe amps sometimes?) and the voltage needed, and if the center pin is + or -, and you can get a new one. That is a big pluss. Talking about gigging, why is it such a hassle with gigging? I assume you take a power strip with and that has the same plug as it would have had with internal supply. I don't see why that hurts any?

What I hate is, like on my Digitech RP-7, where the connecter is special (like a MIDI connector) and it easily falls out.


James R. Acker
jacker@... listen to my music at.....
My current songs can be now heard at my site:

----- Original Message -----
Fra: Bruce Wahler <bruce@...>
Til: <>
Kopi: <>
Sendt: 26. september 2001 23:37
Emne: Re: [AN1x-list] an1x construction.


>I don't mind the plastic as much as I mind the wall wart. What were
>they thinking? Most pros won't gig with a wall wart instrument.

What they were thinking was that they could save cost, development time,
and a lot of certification hassles (UL, FCC, TUV, etc.) by separating the
AC power from the audio and low-voltage stuff. It allows Yamaha (and
others) to farm out the power supply part on a per-country basis, and focus
on the music part. I'm not fond of the trend, but it is DEFINITELY a
trend. In the past ten years, I have owned (or still own) the Fatar Studio
88; Alesis S4, Quadraverb+, Quadraverb GT, and Quadraverb 2; MIDIman 8x8
USB; Ensoniq KMX-8; Digitech S100; and the AN1x. All of these pieces are
considered "pro" equipment, and all have external power supplies. Most of
them have wall-wart style boxes.

One thing that you can do is to replace the "wall wart" supply with a small
switching supply like many laptop computers have. The supply is still
external, but it's usually lighter, better made, often works with
international voltages (100-240V), and has a removable power cord. It also
doesn't clog up a power strip like wall warts do. I use one that is about
the size of a pack of king-size cigarettes, not much heavier than the same,
and takes a power cord like the ones that boom boxes use. (I also sell
them in the music side of my business. If anyone is interested, contact me
off-line for more details.)



Bruce Wahler
Design Consultant
Ashby SolutionsT
CloneWheel Support Group moderator
978.386.7389 voice
978.964.0547 fax

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