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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] List policy? OT?

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-09-25

From: "Jon Levinson" <jondl_2000@...>

> Serious question: Do we need to establish a list
> policy regarding the off topic posts?
> Personally, I don't much mind OT as long as there is
> something to be learned from it. However, I suspect
> I'm in the minority when it comes to OT posts
> concerning current events and the majority of list
> subscribers would prefer an 'AN1x Only' focus.

I'm sorry to reply to this post, which is yet another off-topic post. But
I've been hanging around on the internet for the last ten years or so, and
asking "do you want to ban off-topic posts?" is a bit like asking "do you
want to forbid your car to become dirty?".

Off-topic is inevitable, probably because we're all human and have a certain
way of communicating. Off-topic can keep a list lively. But too much
off-topic will ∗kill∗ a list. I've seen it happen, and it's not pretty. Name
calling also spoils the atmosphere.

Some lists carry a higher amount of off-topic than others. And discussing
the level of off-topic posts is also one of the standard threads every so
often. Usually, lists are pretty good at regulating themselves, but you have
to pretty clear in your manifest, and sometimes you have to intervene - but
not too often.

> Please take a moment to respond to the poll I've just
> solicited so all of us, your friendly list moderators
> included, know how lenient, or not as the case may be,
> we should treat OT posts.

I just did, and it looks like we're winning. :)

- Peter