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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] MP3dotcom ?

From: tomfinegan@...
Date: 2000-05-04

--- In, jondl <jondl@j...> wrote:
> Because the major label's in association with the RIAA (boo, hiss)
> have to
> kill every good idea that comes along under the guise of copyright
> infringement!
It´s like with everything on our small tiny blue´s all
about power (and protecting the posession of it), money and a few
ppl, who takes themselves too important.

Now i understand, why the entertainment industry is pushing streaming
technologies so hard...Music, Movies, Books and TV on demand...the
biggest business on the world....
Well i hope the consumer is not so stupid, as the industry believes...

> Yeah, it's OT. You're right - but it is relevant to many of the
> musicians on this list.
Yes it is.

> I just can't stand to see the crap they try and pull on us!
Well, "they" brought us also these hyper-dangerous nuclear, chemical
and biological weapons...

> MP3 may not be perfect but look at your alternatives :-(
Well, i don´t have a problem with MP3. With 160kb/s it´s quite
adequate to a normal CD.
