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Subject: Re: OT: FS1r (was: OT: K5000S)

From: "Thomas" <tomfinegan@...>
Date: 2001-09-22

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...> wrote:
> Examples are the GX1 (660 kilos of organ and
> speakers), the FX1 (the same thing but with FM synthesis) and the
VP1 (16
> voice polyphonic VL synth).
Or the 100 Kilo of the marvellous CS80...unreachable it´s sound.
Listen to Vangelis Bladerunner Soundtrack and you understand what i

> I got the impression that Yamaha is concentrating on AWM synths,
> providing their 'special' synthesis methods as PLG cards.
I don´t mind as long as they make a FS-PLG...:D

> Then again, the PLG150AN and PLG150DX boards have been put in a
> module, the AN200 and DX200.

> Still I don't have a clue what they have up their sleeve...
Yeah, it´s like there are a two bunch of peoples fighting over the
power in Yamaha. The ones that want good music instruments, the other
ones that wants good money. Unfortunately the last ones won over,
when they released the FS1r...otherwise i would have thought there
would be also a FS1 Keyboard...

> What I really wouldn't mind is an update to their AN technology:
> maintaining the distinctive Yamaha sound, they could increase the
number of
> oscillators, for instance, or add extra filters. And I ∗really∗
> mind a 30 voice, eight part multitimbral AN keyboard or rack, with
an mLAN
> option and optionally PLG slots.
Oh most definately THAT would be nice, maybe a new AN that is coming
sonically closer again to the formentioned CS80. AND mLAN AND PLG-
slots (AND a FS-PLG), that would make my day (and my bankaccount too)

Then again, they canned the AN1r (rack
> version).
True, but maybe when they see how much success Waldorf, Access and
Novation have with their rack-modules, maybe they overthink it.
And in a way, you can see the AN200 as a rack module...
