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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sysex backups

From: "Grant Davies" <grant@...>
Date: 2000-05-03

its its easy, I'll do it.. I'm busy but I'm a java/c++ coder...
I'll have a look unless someone else is going to do it first..
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Gregson
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2000 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Sysex backups

> Wonder what we could do to bribe Gary into adding this functionality to
> AN1x-Edit.  :-)

Writing a converter between SYX format and AN1xEdit format would be fairly
trivial (after all An1xEdit can already export to SYX format).
Unfortunately, I am snowed under with other projects at the moment. However
if anyone wants to write a converter, the file formats for .AN1 are
available for download from the Yamaha UK support site.

Perhaps Charles-Emmanuel de Reus (the guy who wrote the AN1x Genetix add on
for An1xEdit) would like to knock one up (as I have already sent him the
file formats for .AN1, .ANP and ANS). Also if you haven't tried his Genetix
program....give it a can actually create some good sounds with



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sayer Seely [mailto:sayerseely@...]
> Sent: 03 May 2000 19:07
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Sysex backups
> Hey Grant,
> > I tried sending
> > them using cakewalk 9. but if its a single patch the cs1x stops playing
> > sounds until you restart it, and if its a large dump, the cs1x says
> > "receiving patch dump" but when cakewalk has stopped sending
> the dump. the
> > An1x does not realize things have finished... then when you
> check the patches
> > none or new..  I tried sending the London set of patches, which
> is 128 new
> > syx sounds, none of them worked.
> > I wondering if its either Cakewalk 9 issue (I did the changes
> recommended for
> > ttseq.ini) or we have a dodgy an1x...
> I had the same trouble the other day. Are you using a MOTU midi
> interface by
> any chance? It is what I have (Midi Express 8x8). They are known
> for having
> problems with large sysex files.
> > If we could import a sysex file into An1x edit, we'd be
> laughing, anyone have
> > a tool to convert a syex file to an an1x edit file?
> Oh I wish this was possible. I recently bought a bunch of patches from
> EasySounds ( and they are all in sysex
> format. I did
> eventually manage to get some of the sound banks loaded but I
> don't think it
> was with Cakewalk. I'll see if I can figure out what I used.
> Wonder what we could do to bribe Gary into adding this functionality to
> AN1x-Edit.  :-)
> Sayer

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