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Subject: Re: Logic Environments for AN* synths

From: ginger@...
Date: 2001-08-30

OK, I whacked the AN1x environments into Logic yesterday, together
with one I found for my recently acquired Roland MKS-50.

I recorded a sequence for the AN, and another for the Roland, and
began to tweak. Great fun with the MKS-50, it faithfully did what it
should both when recording tweaks and simply tweaking during
playback, but I could only get the AN1x env to respond in record
mode, which I thought was odd. What exactly is this business of Mode
1 and Mode 2? Are we referring to the Layer button? I've checked the
manual, but that provides little help.

Anyway I'm mighty impressed by the people that create these things; I
wouldn't know where to start.


--- In AN1x-list@y..., jondl_2000@y... wrote:
> I've added a Logic Folder to the Files section and uploaded a
number of
> Logic Environments for use with the AN∗ synths:
> The Jetronic Homepage .zip has the fantastic Step Sequencer and
> Variation Effect Environments. These are absolutely awesome, IMO.
> should check out his site too:
> The PLG150AN Enviroment is designed for the PLG150AN card
> but, since it's all in SysEx there's no reason it won't work with
> AN1x proper too! The user who made this provided a text file with
> details. Apparently he uses the card in a S80 so this env should be
> interest to CS6x users on the list. I liberated this from the user
> group collection at
> The third enviroment is AN1x CCM and this is my own. There are
> layers to this enviroment: AN1x Mode 1, AN1x Mode 2, and AN1x LFO.
> Check out the Control Change Modes table on page 9 of the Data List
> book and you'll quickly see what's what. Your AN1x ∗must∗ be in
mode 2
> for the Mode 2 and LFO layers to work correctly. The AN1x LFO layer
> just something I through together where you can reference the LFO1
> LFO2 Speed parameters by the actual Herz values as opposed to the 1-
> values displayed on the AN1x. I might do something more with this
> - but I'm uncertain at this point where to take it. But it's a
> enough matter for you to cut and paste the bits you like for your
> environment. BTW - a multi-instrument is included with the preset
> names too.
> The only advantage my environment offers over the PLG150AN env is
> mine is entirely MIDI CC's where as his is entirely in SysEx. That
> means less hogging of the MIDI bandwidth but, as mentioned, your
> must be in Mode 2. The PLG150AN env is prettier, by far, then mine
> does not require you to place your AN1x into Mode 2. IMO, there's
> reason not to use Mode 2.
> Credit where credit is due:
> My env is a version of the original logic env provided by Yamaha in
> of their original download files ('Quickdisc Tutorial Set'.) I
> the missing Knob Parameter groups and reset buttons. The code for
> reset buttons was lifted from an Ensoniq MR env and reworked
> accordingly to fit the AN1x parameters ;-) ∗Big thx to Reg∗ for
> getting me started with the SysEx in the AN1x LFO layer. The LFO
> values are from the spreadsheet provided by Yamaha Japan earlier
> year (alos available for download in the Files section.)
> If you have any questions, comments, or feedback - let me know.
> regards,
> Jon