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Subject: Re: Logic Environments for AN* synths

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-08-25

--- In AN1x-list@y..., ginger@i... wrote:
> Hello Jon. I'm a Logic user, but I can't quite understand the
> usefulness of an environment for the AN1x: if you can tweak all
> parameters on the synth dead easily, and you can do the same on
> AN1xEdit, what's the point of also being able to do it in Logic?

In a word: automation. It nice to have ALL the parameters available
from one screen for quick and easy automation. Think of Logic as a
great big, "Free EG" - get it?

Have you checked out the amazing Jetsonic environments? Tell me the
Step Sequencer isn't more inviting to programming from that env then
from the front panel. And having access to ALL an effects parameters
within a disply is handy too.

Not to mention those users with a PLG150AN card attached to a SW1000XG
thingy or a MU rack mount or Plugstation or CS6x or S80.

> are you using it for something that hasn't occurred to me yet? (Apart
> from the Hz readings instead of "meaningless" number values, which I
> can dig. And the fact that AN1xEdit and Logic won't run at the same
> time. And so as not to have to move your gaze from the monitor. Huh,
> guess I've just worked it out....)

What's up with Logic and AN1xEdit not running simultaneously? Are you
on Win or Mac (I don't recall if you've said so.) I'm able to use Logic
Audio and AN1xEdit simultaneously using OMS on a Power Mac G3 w/ OS
9.1. If you're on a Mac I'll be happy to discuss my configuration with

