I've added a Logic Folder to the Files section and uploaded a number of
Logic Environments for use with the AN∗ synths:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AN1x-list/filesThe Jetronic Homepage .zip has the fantastic Step Sequencer and
Variation Effect Environments. These are absolutely awesome, IMO. You
should check out his site too:
http://home.debitel.net/user/rutzen/index.htmThe PLG150AN Enviroment is designed for the PLG150AN card (obviously)
but, since it's all in SysEx there's no reason it won't work with the
AN1x proper too! The user who made this provided a text file with some
details. Apparently he uses the card in a S80 so this env should be of
interest to CS6x users on the list. I liberated this from the user
group collection at Swiftkick.com
The third enviroment is AN1x CCM and this is my own. There are three
layers to this enviroment: AN1x Mode 1, AN1x Mode 2, and AN1x LFO.
Check out the Control Change Modes table on page 9 of the Data List
book and you'll quickly see what's what. Your AN1x ∗must∗ be in mode 2
for the Mode 2 and LFO layers to work correctly. The AN1x LFO layer is
just something I through together where you can reference the LFO1 and
LFO2 Speed parameters by the actual Herz values as opposed to the 1-256
values displayed on the AN1x. I might do something more with this layer
- but I'm uncertain at this point where to take it. But it's a simple
enough matter for you to cut and paste the bits you like for your own
environment. BTW - a multi-instrument is included with the preset Voice
names too.
The only advantage my environment offers over the PLG150AN env is that
mine is entirely MIDI CC's where as his is entirely in SysEx. That
means less hogging of the MIDI bandwidth but, as mentioned, your AN1x
must be in Mode 2. The PLG150AN env is prettier, by far, then mine and
does not require you to place your AN1x into Mode 2. IMO, there's no
reason not to use Mode 2.
Credit where credit is due:
My env is a version of the original logic env provided by Yamaha in one
of their original download files ('Quickdisc Tutorial Set'.) I added
the missing Knob Parameter groups and reset buttons. The code for the
reset buttons was lifted from an Ensoniq MR env and reworked
accordingly to fit the AN1x parameters ;-) ∗Big thx to Reg∗ for
getting me started with the SysEx in the AN1x LFO layer. The LFO Herz
values are from the spreadsheet provided by Yamaha Japan earlier this
year (alos available for download in the Files section.)
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback - let me know.