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Subject: 'scene-values' in AN1Xedit

From: jeroenbaar@...
Date: 2001-08-22

Hello list,

I have a question about AN1Xedit, (version 1.1), probably it's an old

In AN1Xedit there is the library screen. I have opened a collection
of voices, and I see all the names in the list. I select one voice,
and switch with the 'scene' button to all the values and parameters
that create this scene. I can see all this on my screen.

But when I select an other voice, and switch to the scene parameters,
all the values stay the same as the one before. I think these are the
values of the first voice in the list. For all the 128 voices the
scene-values stay the same....

very strange.....

Am I doing something wrong, is it the version of AN1Xedit, or is the
program not capable showing the right values of a voice/scene??

Someone knows the answer?

Thanks & bye,
