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Subject: Re: An idiot needs help

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-08-12

--- In AN1x-list@y..., ra5417@e... wrote:
> Hey,
> So, i've read the hell out to the manual, especially the part about scenes, and I still have trouble
> saving certain sounds on the AN1x. There are select sounds that, when I made edits with the
> knobs, simply don't stick after doing a Scene Store then a Voice Store. I change sounds then
> come back to the newly stored one, and it's back to before the store. No change!!
> It's totally frustrating, and I feel like a complete idiot for not being able to understand this thing.
> Could someone with a higher IQ maybe help with this problem?
> Thanks,
> Stupid Sam

Hi Sam,
Actually, this is not such a 'stoopid' ;-) question as you might
think...many of the preset and download voices from Yamaha have Control
Knobs assignments in place for live tweaking of the sound as you play.
Edits made with the Control Knobs when the Parameter Assign led is lit
are ∗temporary∗ - this is by design not a bug or malfunction. Permanent
edits can be made by activating one of the seven Parameter Groups and
changing the chosen paramter value directly.

Here are some addition tips & tricks you may not yet have seen - check
out the Control Matrix tips:

Hope this helps,
