Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] OT- major worldwide virus alert!!!
From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-07-27
I just received this virus from someone who's a complete stranger to me.
Probably my e-mail address was on a web page he'd visited (according to
Google, that would be 386 pages in total).
NEVER EVER open a mail attachment that ends in .pif or .vbs, even if it has
.doc or .jpg in front of it, even if it comes from your head of state, the
Pope or the Dalai Lama, even if it's from a good friend who would never send
you a virus, and even if you think it's OK.
It is NOT OK. In a mail, .pif or .vbs means trouble. It could range from
mild inconvenience to "Gee, where are the installation discs" and "Oh dear,
all files that I've been working on for the last five years and that I've
been too lazy to make a backup of have been erased".
.pif --> DELETE
.vbs --> DELETE
And send a mail to the originator telling him/her/it that he/she/it is a
total moron (although in the case of the head of state, there could be a law
against that).
- Peter