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Subject: Re: outputs

From: Yutaka Nakamura <liquidbrain@...>
Date: 2001-07-17

Hi Jim,

I actually did try system reset a few months back - 3 key on numeric pad (I
don't remember which one) and power on, or something like that, right? Even
with the reverted factory presets, I was getting the problem, so it's not
soft problem.

Well, headphone outs are working for now, so I guess I'm not going to send
my AN1x for a while :-) Phone outs feeding my Mackie isn't too bad,
actually. I know what you mean about focusing on other things that's been
neglected, though....



> But I never saw your reply (maybe I missed it) about if you had tried a system
> reset to go back to factory settings. This is a really great thing to try when
> things just seem all screwed up. There may be global settings, or local ones
> screwing it up, but a sys reset ought to get things at least to a known state.
> Plus...if you are hesitating because you don't want to lose all the presets, I
> would bet that if you send it in there is a good chance it will return with
> all factory presets again...
> I sympathize...there are pieces of equipment I would hate to lose even for a
> little while, but if you use the absence to advantage you could find yourself
> getting out of a rut. I mean...right now the weather is too warm in my home
> studio to record, and I am using the time to do the stuff I always mean
> really working on lyrics, and simple songwriting. Too often I jam
> on the recorder and come up with something but it isn't structured
> enough....but I take this opportunity to get better at that.
> Try working on some killer drums, or bass, so you got lots of great stuff to
> work with when you get the An1x back!
> Good luck!
> Jim
> Just a thought
> James R. Acker