> How about some free eg tips?
I am going to try out your tips on the Free EGs. They sound very cool.
I have one that I have been using recently. You know how analog
synths don't have an attack like romplers do for leads. With a
rompler you can add some short waveform (bell, piano, guitar) so you
have a real bite on the attack. The nearest thing on most analog
synths is a quick pitch envelope attack.
Well I found that you can do sharp attacks for leads using the EG's
on the AN1x.
I typically modulate FM depth, or sync pitch, or sync pitch depth.
The wave I draw on the EG, is a descending slope from a modulated
position back to zero modulation. And it needs to be very quick not
to damage the sustain portion of the sound. FM modulation provides a
pretty good approximation of the 'bruppp' sounds of horns, the sync
stuff is best for clear sharp leads ( the ones that sound like FM).
The trick is to keep it very short. I sometimes vary the VCA attack
time by velocity, because the ear can tire of the same attack sound
on every note.
Hope this helps. I look forward to reading the next cool tip.