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Subject: Re: How do you guys use the Ribbon controller on the AN1x?

From: "Jerry Aiyathurai" <tuskerfort@...>
Date: 2001-07-11

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Reggie <reggie@t...> wrote:
> Hello all, I am a PLG Owner, but I am interested in the techniques
> guys use for the ribbon controller

Good subject. I enjoyed Bruce's post which gave me some ideas to try
out. Here what I am using it for:

X axis-

- small pitch bend (+3 up and -2 down) to allow a violin like bend
(as opposed to a guitar bend). The pitch wheel is doing 1 octave up
and 1 octave down. This sounds so similar to Bruce's implementation I
was surprised. I haven't used it for vibrato yet, though. On patches
where I am doing this I typically map the x axis to oscillator pulse
width as well (value = direct) this cause the pitch bends to sound
pretty organic.

- sync pitch for thin, nasally sync things, where I don't mind if it
steps a little.

- Pitch envelope depth. I have a pitch envelope time set to 40 and
pitch depth set to zero. I then map pitch envelope depth to the x
axis with a value of direct. I try to make sure the patch has a lot
of ring modulator and only one osc is being swept by the envelope.
When I am playing if I tap the ribbon to the right of the center, I
get a downward explosion sound. Tap it to the left and it explodes
upwards. This can't be done on a wheel, but it is perfect on a ribbon.

Z axis-

- Filter resonance to cause the tone to change

- Filter cutoff for talk box, or wah pedal effects.

Well, I am off to try out some of Bruce's suggestions.

