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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: LFO rates and waveform shapes

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-07-11

Not only is it good to see someone with the Kit to perform this type of
task, but it also confirms the data that the Guys supplied us

Thanks for giving it a go Jerry :¬)

In article <9ifo0t+9mho@...>, jondl_2000@... writes
>--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Jerry Aiyathurai" <tuskerfort@h...> wrote:
>> > You might be interested in reviewing this document provided by
>> Yamaha:
>> Jon:
>> Yes I am interested. Thx. I am sorry I went to the trouble. (Oh
>> maybe I learned something out of the process.)
>No doubt you came away from the exercise with something
>constructive :-)
>The numbers looked
>> very different until I noticed that the Yamaha range is from 0-255
>> which I had listed as 1-256, which is how my AN1x shows it.
>> Interestingly with the exception of a couple of hz numbers toward
>> higher rates, the results agree to two significant digits.
>I'd only glanced at a few of your findings and noted the similarity.
>I'm guessing that you were on the right track...
>> Thanks Jon.
>> Jerry
>> PS: They haven't released anything on those mysterious 'inner'
>> waveforms have they?
>I never thought to ask about them! They (Yamaha Customer Assistance)
>have always responded to my past emails - I'm sure they'd give a go
>at an answer. Why don't you shoot off a friendly email to YCA? You
>can find the link in our Bookmarks section:
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See ya,
