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Subject: Re: an200 factory sound bank

From: "Thomas" <tomfinegan@...>
Date: 2001-06-25

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "ELEKTRO DAN" <elektro_dan@y...> wrote:
> i don't remeber if i asked this already so please don't yell. it's
> 5:00 am and i'm flipping thru television channels that have test
> tones trying to make a song. next thing you know i'll get 2 tv's
> have them on different channels that have different pitched test
> so i can have a 2 oscillator synth that only plays sine waves.
> there! i've finally gone mad!!

Not as weird as the guy (recently in the german issue of Keyboards),
who made a Reggea Dub song just out of two short vocal-samples and
the datatrack of the Keyboards-CD...with his EMU 6400. Groovy!

I am sure you can do the same with two different TV-test tones and
the "white noise" of a "non-channel"-channel...

