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Subject: Morphing

From: lars.l.arnwald@...
Date: 2001-06-10


I would guess Gary is the natural recipient of this message, but of
course anybody is welcome to comment. In p.36 of the PLG150-AN manual
under Mrph CtrlNo it says:

"...MIDI used to 'morph' or crossfade between two
different voices."

To me this is a prime example of how new terms are being introduced
and used without having been sufficiently explained in the first
place. I think the first time I saw the term crossfade was in the
70's when I got some pieces of Serge modular synths. Crossfade simply
meant and still means to have one voice or oscillator or other source
of sound fade out while another is fading in. IMHO morphing is
something totally different. From what I can recall, it was first
used in the movie industry to have one visual object gradually
transform into another, "Terminator II" has lots of these effects.

Translated to synthesizer techniques this should mean that one sound
morphs into another by gradual changes of parameters like waveforms,
envelopes, filter settings like center frequency, resonance, etc. Am
I right, or ....?

Lars Arnwald