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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list](xg pad

From: Reggie <reggie@...>
Date: 2001-06-04

In article <20010604172324.94193.qmail@...>, elektro
dan <elektro_dan@...> writes
>where do you setup the midi inputs? i only see midi
>outs? i can't get any sound? looks pretty nice though.
>anyway thanks for the reply reggie.

Well, there is a keyboard for you to use at the bottom of the screen to
audition sounds, but this was originally designed for Sequencer use and
it was thought that the sequencer would handle the Midi in, but I think
that midi in will be added at some point, So I suppose it depends how
much demand there is for it, I can see that there might well be some
call for it already :)

If you want to just audition it without a sequencer open you could Hook
the Midi in to the spare Midi out using a Hubi's cable.

I have been using my copy for about a week now, and I have been able to
do the things that you wanted, albeit with just the factory voices and
Uploaded user voices, but it has been very easy as you say to use stock
sounds on the AN and phatten them up using Chorus, Reverb etc.
I am now just waiting to see all the Luvvvverly AN functions added and I
can then get at everything all in one go.

>elektro dan.
>--- Reggie <reggie@...> wrote:
>> Actually Dan, it is funny that you mention this,
>> XGPad has full support
>> for the SW1000XG, and some limited support for the
>> AN Factory Voices and
>> User presets. Now I know that this isn't exactly
>> what you are looking
>> for, YET, but it is a very good start and I can tell
>> you now it works
>> very nicely! Go and take a look for yourself:
>> There is a save disabled 15 day demo in the download
>> section.
>> The Author has already added the AN voices support
>> in the week since he
>> released the software and I know that he intends
>> adding support for ALL
>> PLG devices in the future, PLG VH is already there
>> in the effects, DX
>> voices, and VL Voices are already there, as are AN
>> voices as well, Next
>> support to be added is PLG AN parameters, So, you
>> will be able to do the
>> things you want, pretty soon!!!!
>> This is the first (AFAIK) piece of standalone
>> software that incorporates
>> AN voices along with the usual XG support!
>> I think there may even be .anp support as well, Wow,
>> a dream come true,
>> personally I can't wait to see it all happen!
>> Oh, did I mention the price of this software? $25!
>> A bargain
>> introductory offer, especially when you consider
>> what features it has
>> already and the 'extra' features that will become
>> available in the very
>> near future.
>> In article <9ffiuo+dk3a@...>, ELEKTRO DAN
>> <elektro_dan@...> writes
>> >
>> > I've been using xgedit and the an1x editor for the
>> plg150an for a
>> >while now and i have found these programs to be
>> very, very great!.
>> >a little while ago i found out the true power of
>> these two programs
>> >when you run them together, wow!!. AN synthesis is
>> great. if you try
>> >you can make almost any sound you want!. some may
>> say the AN card
>> >sounds dry but to those who say that i don't think
>> you used it to it's
>> >potential! Did you ever use an1x edit and xgedit
>> together? if you
>> >haven't i urge you to. use xg edit to apply the
>> sw1000xg's effects on
>> >the plg150an. you can make even the init voice
>> sound like the fattest
>> >synth out there!. just add some chorus, some delay,
>> and you got fat!!
>> >no need to use the unison and use up valuable
>> poly!.
>> >
>> >so where does the marriage come in?
>> >i love tweaking the AN and adding XG effects. i
>> wish there was some
>> >way to save those effects as part of the AN sound
>> in an1x edit.
>> >what if one day these programs were combined to
>> make a extreme an1x
>> >edit?, would it be possible?. saving a chorus,
>> reverb, 2 inserts and a
>> >variation as part of the anp. file?. the only way
>> of doing this now is
>> >to save your effects part to an xge. file but if
>> you got alot of
>> >sounds you might get lost in files. each sound
>> needs different effects
>> >of course. if you had the effects somehow saved as
>> part of the an
>> >sound it would be so cool. mabye if the AN circuits
>> alow you can
>> >possibly have some of those effects paramaters in
>> the free eg?
>> >can you imagiane? phasing or flanging locked to
>> tempo? instead of
>> >having an lfo to modulate a flanger you can draw it
>> in the free eg!!
>> >holy!!! you can have some freaky flangin' going on
>> there!!
>> >imagine the flexibility!!, the creativity!!, it
>> would be un
>> >imagianible!! or is that 'AN' imagianible!!
>> possibly even sync'd
>> >delays
>> >or a voice increasing in chorus or reverb over
>> time?
>> >can it be made possible? an1x edit is free and it
>> is so amazing but i
>> >would pay top dollar for a program that can do all
>> that.
>> >the plg150an has been out for a while now and i
>> don't think it lost
>> >it's glory but if an editor like that could be made
>> i think yamaha
>> >could have the most intresting synth ever made if
>> they already didn't
>> >do that.
>> >
>> >can the circuitry allow for these radical and
>> revolutionary
>> >propositions?
>> >
>> >Gary G. i hope you read this. your amazing editors
>> opened new doors
>> >already but if this is possible doors will be
>> broken down!!
>> >i don't think that there is anything on the market
>> can do all that.
>> >it would be the first!!
>> >
>> >hope it will be able to work!!. hope you are as
>> much intrested in this
>> >as i am!
>> >sorry for any typo's it's 5:00am and i'm tried!
>> >hope this will get some serious thought!
>> >
>> >elektro dan.
>> >
>> >
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>> >
>> See ya,
>> Reggie
> DAN C.
> Toronto, Canada
>email> elektro_dan@...
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See ya,
