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Subject: gurgle swoosh

From: "Jerry A" <jerrya3@...>
Date: 2000-04-29

Hey fellas:

I was reading an old article from Future Music called Analog Madness.
Basically a tutorial on making gurgles and swooshes with a (real)
analog synth. Well, I started following their instructions and was
able to get most of it on the AN1x.

I started to get analog programming ideas and wondering if any of you
are interested in colloborating on noises. (I am typically more
comfortable changing waveforms than programming.)

Most of the sounds were made by modulating a self-oscillating filter.
There an1x filter was a little more polite than whatever synth they
were using for the demo. Also the LFO's are more gurgly than zappy at
high speed. I got slightly better results simulating a high speed LFO
with the free eg than using the lfo.

Anybody interested in fooling around with bizarre sounds?

