--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Peter Korsten" <peterk@i...> wrote:
> The trouble I personally have with Windows is that it's unstable
Games work fine on Windows...B-)
But seriously, as you already know, we had this dicussion already on
the EX5-Tech-community. And i still believe a hardware-MIDI-sequencer
like RM1x, MC80 or the new RS7000, plus a HD-recorder like Tascam 788
are a better way to record my AN1x than any Windows or way overpriced
Mac -computer. The only purpose of PC´s in musicproduction is for me
that i can use the fabulous AN1xedit and edit wavefiles very easily.
But again, everyone has to choose his best way of working through
things. Personally, i am totally turned off by computers as a
platform for music.
My two eurocents,