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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] More Personality

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2001-05-07

Thanks for being so diplomatic by using the word "personality". Myself,
I see the limitations of the synth as "operating system errors". The manual
is very clear on how to set up a patch so that it resets to center upon
finger release - (p.75 top right) if mapped to pitch, it will reset to
center. I've made patches where this doesn't happen. Since the reset to
center is not really defined, I would personally call that Bad Programming.
If the ribbon "reset to center" is not consistant, then you have
discovered a bug and Yamaha should be informed. But since the new synths
based on the AN1x do not have a ribbon controller, we should assume that
they don't care that there is a problem. Sorry to be so negative, but I
used to own a TX16W samper -- a unit of which Yamaha completely abandonded
We should try to discover all of the undocumented "features" or bugs of
our blue synth and share them since Yamaha will certainly not.

Ed Edwards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry" <jerrya3@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 8:51 AM
Subject: [AN1x-list] More Personality

> Ok. I found another area where this synth has "personality."
> Remember the discussion we had about when the ribbon controller
> resets to mid-point (for pitch up/pitch down) and when it doesn't?
> Well I have got a patch that seem to break some of the rules. It is a
> patch with osc 2 detune by the ribbon (x dimension) and it resets
> when you take your finger off the ribbon.
> When I add one aditional mod routing to the patch, it stops re-
> centering. The type of mod routing I add to send it over the edge
> doesn't seem to matter (I have tried varying source and destination
> to see if it was a pitch calculation constraint in the synth engine).
> So I have two patches side by side in my user bank. One patch has N
> routings and resets osc 2 pitch to center, when I take my hand off
> the ribbon. The other has N+1 routings and does not reset to center.
> Apart from this, the patches are identical.
> Weird huh? Anybody want to see this patch? It is kinda cool actually.
> The kind of patch that out-guitars most guitars. I'll play with it
> and try to come up with a general rule.
> Cheers,
> Jerry
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