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----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry" <jerrya3@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 8:51 AM
Subject: [AN1x-list] More Personality
> Ok. I found another area where this synth has "personality."
> Remember the discussion we had about when the ribbon controller
> resets to mid-point (for pitch up/pitch down) and when it doesn't?
> Well I have got a patch that seem to break some of the rules. It is a
> patch with osc 2 detune by the ribbon (x dimension) and it resets
> when you take your finger off the ribbon.
> When I add one aditional mod routing to the patch, it stops re-
> centering. The type of mod routing I add to send it over the edge
> doesn't seem to matter (I have tried varying source and destination
> to see if it was a pitch calculation constraint in the synth engine).
> So I have two patches side by side in my user bank. One patch has N
> routings and resets osc 2 pitch to center, when I take my hand off
> the ribbon. The other has N+1 routings and does not reset to center.
> Apart from this, the patches are identical.
> Weird huh? Anybody want to see this patch? It is kinda cool actually.
> The kind of patch that out-guitars most guitars. I'll play with it
> and try to come up with a general rule.
> Cheers,
> Jerry
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