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Subject: Re: [OT] Frankfurt shops

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-05-03

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "PinheadX" <pinheadx@t...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> May somebody send me some online German instrument shops (specially from
> around Frankfurt).
> Thanx in adance,
> PinheadX

It's been about six years or so but there ∗use to be∗ a large music
store in downtown Frankfurt - don't recall the name :-( If memory
serves, it was a short hike from the Hauptwache to the Alte Stadte and
this store was on one of the main streets nearby St. Bartholemous
(spelling?) Catherdral. There were some cool antique shops and foreign
markets - even a german language comic book shop - in the vicinity.
They say the memory is the first to go....;-)

Sorry I can't recall the details but if you get a street map at the
Hauptwache or the Hauptbahnhoff you should be able to find it (or
whatever is there now.) It's not an 'off the beaten path' neighborhood.

Hope this rambling nonsense is of help,
