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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Serious Question: How do I keep my cat off my synth?

From: "G. Bravetti" <cwavemm@...>
Date: 2001-04-27

Some new user that read´s the topic then the contents of the email, will think we are crazy ppl!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Korsten
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Serious Question: How do I keep my cat off my synth?

From: "Sayer" <sayerseely@...>

> I love the EX5R.... It still amazes me after owning it for a few years.
> The master controller is an Alesis Quadrasynth Plus. My wife gave it and
> Mackie mixer to me for Christmas in 1995 (I think). It was a huge addition
> the Korg 03R/W and Roland D-5 that I already had. I don't use the
> for sounds anymore, just as a controller.

I guess I have the best of both worlds, then: an EX5S. :)

Seriously, the EX5 is a wonderful controller. It's funny that many of the
presets are identical to those on the AN1x, or almost identical. But they
have a different feel to them (better keyboard) and a rather better effects

Still, the AN1x is a beautiful instrument in its own right, and beats the
EX5 hands-down in analogue polyphony.

- Peter

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