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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Serious Question: How do I keep my cat off my synth?

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2001-04-24

> Ok, maybe it's my fault for naming my cat Sasha (after the DJ), but
> lately she has quite a fetish for my AN1x... For some reason every
> morning around 6am she decides to stroll across my synth and usually
> manages to screwup whatever sound I'm working on. Grr. Besides that

Question 1: Do you leave the unit on all the time? Without saving patches?

> annoyance I'm quite afraid she's going to jump on it wrong and send the
> whole stand crashing to the floor.. Anyone have any ideas for keeping
> Sasha away from my synth? ;)

Question 2: Do you shut the door to the "synth room"? That's all I had to

We had a cat who loved the keyboard so much that he would lie on the top
octave of the piano while my son practiced. We think he liked the sound,
vibrations, AND the feeling of the keys on his stomach!
Therefore: No cats allowed in synth room. Period.