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Subject: OT: MS2K vs. AN1x (was Re: [AN1x-list] AN1x Represent!)

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-04-22

Elson Trinidad wrote:
> jondl wrote:
> >
> > Elson Trinidad wrote:
> > >
> > > One of the Harmony Central banner ads for has a
> > > Strat clone and the almighty AN1x pictured in the ad! Go blue! :)
> > >
> >
> > funny that, isn't it? zZounds hasn't had the AN1x in stock for months
> > either ;-) BTW - at last count there were four up FA at eBay! Who said
> > VA's are passé?
> No one did.

Oh, you know I was being sarcastic ;-)

But I'm al little concerned, the hot item these days as far as
> analog/VA is the Korg MS2000. I don't know it that well, but I've played around
> with it briefly, and it seems to be real cool. I don't have plans to dump my
> AN1x for it though, but it does have one big advantage that the AN1x doesn't:
> It's avilable in stores.

I've played it twice now! Very, very nice. I love the interface - the
immediacy is wonderful. It's like everything Roland got wrong on the
JP8K Korg got right on the MS2K. Mind you I'm quite comfortable with
the AN1x. I can get around easily and I ∗love∗ the Assign Knobs
function. Too bad the MS2K has no Ribbon Controller - guess Korg wants
you to buy a Kaos Pad to go with it ;-) The polyphony is limited but
that's still not a show stopper now is it? I like using the AN1x as a
one trick pony and never make use of the bi-timbral functionality. I
agree with you though - keep the AN1x. The MS2K is that not ∗that∗
expensive as it stands today. It will still be there when (if) you're
interested. I really enjoyed that little ER-1 Drum Machine too. More
so than the EA-1 box.

