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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: EMU Samplers

From: "Grant Davies" <grant@...>
Date: 2001-04-13

Actually they did a small upgrade for the ESI series.. I had a ESI32 and
they offered the turbo board which gave it two effects processors, a bunch
of new filters and more outputs.. not a bad board for $400... I do love the
way the EOS can be upgraded though..

Jon do have have or have you played the MS2000 ? I have to say its one of
the easiest to program boards I've ever had. Don't get me wrong the An1x
rocks, but the MS2000 is much simpler and although it can't do all the An1x
does, what it does do, it excels at..

I also want to know who went into my box of cables and go every cable and
tied it to every other cable.. I just finished wiring my new studio and If I
have to untangle another cable I'm going to force someone to play a yamaha

Grant Davies
b l u e t u b e p r o d u c t i o n s
The new Bluetube Productions Sampler, coming June 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: jondl_2000@... [mailto:jondl_2000@...]
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 9:56 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] Re: OT: EMU Samplers

That's a real good point regarding the upgradable EOS
samplers!.The ESI series hasn't had an OS upgrade in years
(and probably won't see another!) This was a contributing factor
to why I chose my ASR-X Pro but, uh-oh, no more Ensoniq!
Oooops. My next sampler is an EXS24 :-P

Congrats on the MS2KR, Grant!


--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Grant Davies" <grant@b...> wrote:
> We have an Ultra E6400 and a regular E6400, one big bonus
for us on the
> Emu's is everytime EMU upgrade their samplers they offer an
upgrade path to
> owners of the older samplers if you are in the pro range (EOS
> Our E6400 Ultra is 5 years old and was just a basic E6400
when we originally
> bought it. If we had gone the AKAI route we would have ended
up buying a
> new sampler every couple of years.
> BTW I just picked up an MS2000R and I love it, the sounds are
really rich,
> the filters are really nice too. I'd say the 12db filter is not as
good as
> the An1x filter but the 24db filter sounds richer. Its extremely
easy to
> program, and the step sequencer is really easy to use. I'm very
happy with
> the unit.
> Cheers,
> Grant Davies
> b l u e t u b e p r o d u c t i o n s
> The new Bluetube Productions Sampler, coming June 2001
> I was choosing and making a decision about the sampler
during last 3
> months I
> think <G>
> and I came down to E-MU Ultra 6400 and I am going to get it
here (in
> Moscow -
> not the cheapest
> place to get music eq. too) for about 1650-1700 $ (new) in
about a week
> and know
> what ? I think I get practically
> the same stuff as Platinum for my needs.
> Do you need more than 8 outs ? Do you need wordclock input
? Do you need
> 32 Midi
> INs ?
> Do you need more than 64 poly in the sampler ? and so on
and so on ..
> Practically everything that is added in Platinum is not very
useful for
> me.
> The only model I was / am taking into accound now is AKAI
S3000XL , I
> think ,
> (though I find its limits really limiting)
> because of too much people saying to me that the 'coloring' of
the sound
> on them
> is much smaller than on the new
> S5000/S6000 and Ultra E-MU's (the latest ones have a bit
'cheesy' sound as
> many
> pro users say). I am not taking
> 5000/6000's into account because of many problems people
are telling about
> ,
> because of the UI which I think is not
> great for such a display and so on (and again , the sound).
> Here were my ideas.
> Good luck.
> Ray.
> Bjørn Standal wrote:
> > Hi again
> >
> > To round up this thread, I would like to thank all you guys for
> answering
> > and enlightening me on this subject. All responses where
informative and
> I
> > have sort of decided to:
> >
> > 1. Get Cakewalk with audio-recording (think 9.0). Make
complete songs on
> my
> > 303/Trinity/DJX and then assign selected tracks (e.g. the
> > which originated from the 303) to the AN1X , one at the time,
to record
> them
> > into Cakewalk. The last track designated for the AN1X can
be used as
> regular
> > midi track for real-time tweaking.
> >
> > 2. Get a sampler. I haven't decided for soft or hard, but hard
is more
> > likely. Somebody I know got the Emu E4 Platinum which is
one monster of
> a
> > sampler, 128MB, 20GB, lots of effects, 20 CD's with
samples, SCSI, and
> one
> > quadrillion outputs. One problem is it's price tag. He got it
for about
> > $6250 new. (Prices on gear here in Norway are really
> Another
> > thing about this sampler is (something I heard somewhere)
that you can't
> do
> > real-time filtering. You have to "re-trig" the sample to make
the new
> > filter-setting active. Don't know if it's true, but if it is, I

> > consider that a tremendous limit.
> > Also considering Akai Sxxx, Yamaha A5000 and other Emu's
(6400, Ultra
> > 6400)... But what I am looking for in a sampler is really that I
can use
> it
> > as a sound module like any other synth, and fully control
effects and
> > filters from within Cakewalk. Don't care about onboard
> tools
> > as I do that kind of thing in Cool Edit or Recycle.
> >
> > Thanks again. Nice having you competent people around :-)
> >
> > And hey, don't talk down to the DJX.;-)
> >
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> >
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> >
> >
> >
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> --
> - full tracks and CD !
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