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--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Grant Davies" <grant@b...> wrote:
> We have an Ultra E6400 and a regular E6400, one big bonus
for us on the
> Emu's is everytime EMU upgrade their samplers they offer an
upgrade path to
> owners of the older samplers if you are in the pro range (EOS
> Our E6400 Ultra is 5 years old and was just a basic E6400
when we originally
> bought it. If we had gone the AKAI route we would have ended
up buying a
> new sampler every couple of years.
> BTW I just picked up an MS2000R and I love it, the sounds are
really rich,
> the filters are really nice too. I'd say the 12db filter is not as
good as
> the An1x filter but the 24db filter sounds richer. Its extremely
easy to
> program, and the step sequencer is really easy to use. I'm very
happy with
> the unit.
> Cheers,
> Grant Davies
> b l u e t u b e p r o d u c t i o n s
> The new Bluetube Productions Sampler, coming June 2001
> I was choosing and making a decision about the sampler
during last 3
> months I
> think <G>
> and I came down to E-MU Ultra 6400 and I am going to get it
here (in
> Moscow -
> not the cheapest
> place to get music eq. too) for about 1650-1700 $ (new) in
about a week
> and know
> what ? I think I get practically
> the same stuff as Platinum for my needs.
> Do you need more than 8 outs ? Do you need wordclock input
? Do you need
> 32 Midi
> INs ?
> Do you need more than 64 poly in the sampler ? and so on
and so on ..
> Practically everything that is added in Platinum is not very
useful for
> me.
> The only model I was / am taking into accound now is AKAI
S3000XL , I
> think ,
> (though I find its limits really limiting)
> because of too much people saying to me that the 'coloring' of
the sound
> on them
> is much smaller than on the new
> S5000/S6000 and Ultra E-MU's (the latest ones have a bit
'cheesy' sound as
> many
> pro users say). I am not taking
> 5000/6000's into account because of many problems people
are telling about
> ,
> because of the UI which I think is not
> great for such a display and so on (and again , the sound).
> Here were my ideas.
> Good luck.
> Ray.
> Bjørn Standal wrote:
> > Hi again
> >
> > To round up this thread, I would like to thank all you guys for
> answering
> > and enlightening me on this subject. All responses where
informative and
> I
> > have sort of decided to:
> >
> > 1. Get Cakewalk with audio-recording (think 9.0). Make
complete songs on
> my
> > 303/Trinity/DJX and then assign selected tracks (e.g. the
> > which originated from the 303) to the AN1X , one at the time,
to record
> them
> > into Cakewalk. The last track designated for the AN1X can
be used as
> regular
> > midi track for real-time tweaking.
> >
> > 2. Get a sampler. I haven't decided for soft or hard, but hard
is more
> > likely. Somebody I know got the Emu E4 Platinum which is
one monster of
> a
> > sampler, 128MB, 20GB, lots of effects, 20 CD's with
samples, SCSI, and
> one
> > quadrillion outputs. One problem is it's price tag. He got it
for about
> > $6250 new. (Prices on gear here in Norway are really
> Another
> > thing about this sampler is (something I heard somewhere)
that you can't
> do
> > real-time filtering. You have to "re-trig" the sample to make
the new
> > filter-setting active. Don't know if it's true, but if it is, I
> > consider that a tremendous limit.
> > Also considering Akai Sxxx, Yamaha A5000 and other Emu's
(6400, Ultra
> > 6400)... But what I am looking for in a sampler is really that I
can use
> it
> > as a sound module like any other synth, and fully control
effects and
> > filters from within Cakewalk. Don't care about onboard
> tools
> > as I do that kind of thing in Cool Edit or Recycle.
> >
> > Thanks again. Nice having you competent people around :-)
> >
> > And hey, don't talk down to the DJX.;-)
> >
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> --
> - full tracks and CD !
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