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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] AN1xEdit v1.1

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-04-12

Hi Mert

I am pleased you like AN1xEdit. Since the tool is free, I would advise you
update to the latest version (v1.1). It does offer several fixes and new
features; such as the conversion of PLG150AN .ANP files. So even if you
don't use the PLG card, you can still make use of voices created for it with
your AN1x.


Gary Gregson


-----Original Message-----
From: matahari [mailto:mboru@...]
Sent: 12 April 2001 12:00
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] AN1xEdit v1.1

Dear Gary,

As a proud user of AN1xEdit v1.021, I am very happy with it. Do you
recommend me
to upgrade to v1.1? Does the new version offers optimizations/fixes etc. for
AN1x visual editing tools? Or, no need to do that since the latest upgrade
totally dedicated to PLG150AN?

Thanks for the grrrrreat tool.

Kind Regards,