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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 387

From: "Philippe Bogdan" <pbogdan@...>
Date: 2001-04-12


Could you send me more infos about the W7. I'm especially interrested in a
Keyboard with good piano sound. How good is the sound on the piano card.
I've remember reading about the W7 when it came out, but I forgot :)
I'll appreciate more infos.

Thanks a lot,


> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:35:03 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Shayne Hardesty <shayne@...>
> Subject: OT: Selling Yamaha W7, Looking for EX5
> If this is too offtopic for the list just flame away and I won't do it
> again.. :)
> I'm looking to sell my W7. It's in great shape, never been gigged - I
> am the second owner and I'm still good friends with the first owner so
> I've been around the synth all of its life. Comes with the Piano
> expansion module, all manuals, and a bunch of demo diskettes. This is the
> Version 2 model.. Everything on it works perfectly.. It makes a GREAT
> controller for the AN1x. Asking $350, buyer pays shipping. Lots of info
> in it here:

Philippe Bogdan
Arrangements-Productions (France)