Well I happened to receive the newest Guitar Center ads booklet about
their "oh so amazing deals" (lol) and noticed that the AN200 was listed.
I decided to take a trip down to the Sherman Oaks location here in Cali.
But I wondered around for several minutes and didn't see not a one,not
even a box(as there were many boxes of stuff lying around). They're on
their way as one of the ever so busy counter persons told me(damn hard to
get one of them).
So I decided to give Sam Ash a call down in Hollywood. Yep they have 5
and one on display. I loved it. I personally think after having tried the
Korg Electribes(EA1 and ER1) that this baby is much thicker. It
definitely rocks and is pretty much the same as those electribes but both
put together.
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