Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: New file uploaded to AN1x-list

From: dbase789@...
Date: 2001-04-04

yep..I put thm in .cab, as I often use this compression, wich is
∗slightly∗ better than zip.. I don't know if this is restricted to
win16/32 users, but I 'd be interested to know that..
I may upload a zip, or tar.gz, or what you like if you have troubles
getting these files.. zip has become a real standard..and so
does .AN1 ;)

btw, if anyone is interested in the topic of transmiting Midi or sys-
ex datas to the an1x,I sincerly would like to point this out...'cause
it's "thwarting"

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Bruce Wahler <bruce@a...> wrote:
> Peter,
> The .CAB, or "cabinet," compression format was developed by
> around the time of Win95's release. It's compatible with all
> Windows platforms, but I don't know if there is a way for Mac users
> access it.
> Regards,
> -BW
> --
> Bruce Wahler
> Design Consultant
> Ashby Solutions"
> CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> 978.386.7389 voice
> 978.776.0096 fax
> bruce@a...