Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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From: leo <tubeman@...>
Date: 2001-03-27

fibroptic7@... wrote:
> Hi,
> I wasn't sure where to direct, but wanted to let people know if they have a
> Roland JD-990 WITH the "Vintage Synth" expansion board installed, lemme know.
> I've done tons of modifications and programs with it, and have come up with
> some pretty stuff....everything from Eno-Like Soundscapes (somewhat) to
> Vangelis CS-80 Brass soars.
> I do love those :)
> There was a part in the film, "Dune," that is a synth piece done by Brian
> Eno. They are very lush strings progressions with very high delayed strings.
> I'm still working on that one. I had it nailed down, but didn't back it up
> and ended up having to get my 990 fixed for something, and they did a factory
> reset. :( That's life without backup...but the patch will come again.
> The format these patches are in are that "roland dumpster" thing....the .SYX
> format on my PC. It's just easier, I figure, in that I can avoid Cubase
> altogether. :) I will not convert the file to anything else. I'm not
> really sure how. :)~ ...sorry
> If you want these 80-some-odd patches, I'll send them in a zip file. Just
> reply to this email with caps in the subject line reading: MICHAEL GODFREY
> and I'll know what to do. :)
> If you are with an "e-group," do include your personal email address. I
> think it's always there anyway. :) If your personal email account is set up
> where attachments are stripped, then you'll have to remove that obstacle.
> thanks,
> michael
> ...and here I am...
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