Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: Plg150an preset resources

From: jondl@...
Date: 2001-03-16

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Richard Brown" <paradox1509@b...> wrote:
> Hi Group
> Can anyone tell me if there is another resource site for the card apart from the Yamaha one.
> Any replies much appreciated
> Rich

What do you mean 'another resource site'? What are you looking for - a
PLG150AN specific forum? All PLG150AN and AN200 users are welcome here
:-) You could search Yahoo! Groups and see if anything new has come up
for PLG users in general - or check into some of the lists for PLG
compatible products like the CS6x or SW1000XG, etc. There's always

Are you looking for new voices? The Files section here on the AN1x-list
is stocked with 'em ;-)

I've just converted much of the info Gary's provided on using the
PLG150AN with Cubase and Cakewalk into HTML and will be reposting it

Just let the list know what you're in need of...
