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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] Free EG

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-03-11

By default a FreeEG track is not associated with any scene or parameter of
the synth. If you want the track to modulate a synth parameter, then you
must select which scene and parameter you want to use. In the case of
PLG150AN there is only one in An1xEdit select the scene first
(using the SCENE menu dial of the FreeEG panel i.e. set to SCENE1). Then you
must select the destination parameter using the PARAMETER menu box of the
FreeEG screen. The most obvious ones to try are filter parameters (VCF
Cutoff or Resonance).

Also you should note that the FreeEg is applied as an offset to the current
value of the selected parameter. The FreeEG display shows the current scene
value at the top of the screen (VAL SC1). The display also indicates the
maximum offset that can be applied using two green lines (for scene 1...or
two red lines for scene 2 on the AN1x). If the FreeEg track goes beyond
these boundaries then the track will be limited to the indicated values.



-----Original Message-----
From: DMANX@... [mailto:DMANX@...]
Sent: 11 March 2001 16:40
Subject: [AN1x-list] Free EG,how dose it work?

First thanx Gary Greagson for your advise.
Iam new to the plg150an card and 150an edit.
I tried using Fee EG in 150an edit,but could not varie,create new sounds
from it.
Can some one please kindly mail me a simple step by step excercise ?
I picked a voice ,went into Free EG,had a go by drawing a audio wave
curve,made shure that track was active,but no variation in sound?
Also how can i save new sounds without overghting orinal voices?