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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Use both AN1x and The Waldorf's Pulse!

From: Paul Nagle <paul@...>
Date: 2001-03-11

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:01:19 +0100, traun@... wrote:

>No problemmo :-) You said you SH-2 sounded thin and nasal, maybe you are
>using to much resonance. The resonance is wild on the SH-2 compared with
>system 101 (I assume it's the RS-101 stringer you are talking about) so
>use it with caution. Another possibility is that Roland have made
>different versions of the SH-2.

The 101 is the base keyboard for the System 100 semi-modular: my fave
Roland SH synth with the exception of the SH-5.

