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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Use both AN1x and The Waldorf's Pulse!

From: leo <tubeman@...>
Date: 2001-03-10

I'm using now on a mixdown a Bass line that is made out of 3 synths
running at the same time:
Waldorf Pulse plus, MaM MB-33 and the Yamaha CS-01 mk II with the Kenton
The sound of these 3 different Analogs synths together coplete each
other sounds.
the 'top' Acid bass sound is coming from the Yamaha Cs-01 and the
MaM MB-33 pan hard to the L-R
and the Pulse Plus 'complete' the freq spectrum in the middle L-R by
injecting a 'heavy' low bass.
I ususally don't use the AN1X for Bass but I love it for the Pads/sweeps
and strange leads/atmospheric sounds.


Marlon J=?iso-8859-1?Q?=FC?=rs wrote:
> The Sound of the Pulse is very different to the AN1X. It's real analog and
> it's very fat. If there's anyone of you producig arpeggio-trance-stuff: try
> putting a fat raw saw-sound of the Pulse over a big An1X-Arpeggio-Sound
> (much chorus, timing-delay and a bit reverb). It's great! The Pulse
> "fattens" the sound up!
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