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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: One more quick question

From: leo <tubeman@...>
Date: 2001-03-10

Hey Paul,
I just looked at the Waldorf site and got your email in the same time...
They are saying the same thing:
Gate In
CV 1 Out
CV 2 Out
Gate Out
Audio In

this tech had nothing to lie about and I remember him saying to me after
being at an AES show that there are other diffrences in the operating
system and some changes to the filter.
I realy don't care at this point as I do have the Pulse plus
but you might be right about that.
never believe to rumors.
in any case,
the Pulse plus is a real plus to have.
do you know of any 'patch' sharing site ?


Paul Nagle wrote:
> On Fri, 09 Mar 2001 17:58:56 -0700, leo <tubeman@...> wrote:
> >Ray,
> >I don't remember exactly but this tech told me that
> >they fixed some bugs and put in a smoother filter and arp sync etc.
> >I never had a 'Pulse' so I can't compare them.
> This tech was wrong. The differences are: built in MIDI/CV convertor,
> can be driven from CV also, plus input to the filter.
> Paul
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