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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: One more quick question

From: Tom Eales <ealspin@...>
Date: 2001-03-08

Someone wanted to know about the waldorf pulse, I have
got a pulse plus which is the same with cv outs and an
audio in and it is my favourite bit of kit, the
sounds are quite raw and analogue ranging to crystal
clear lead sounds, and the best thing is the random
patch generator between programmes 0 and 99, it is
really good, sounds are fat and editing is very clear
and easy.I actually prefer it to my an1x-sorry,
eventhough that has a broader range of applications
with the editor.If u don't have a pulse, buy one now.
Or try the waldorf ppg wave plug in instrument, it is
mindblowing, so is the mercury 1 actually, the first
proper virtual instruments!

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