Hi Bruce,
Check out the MIDI Implementation chart in the latter section of the
AN1x Data List:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AN1x-list/files/Documentation/an1xe2.pdfCC 32 Bank Select is not implemented in the AN1x ('X' not 'O') - this
is a design limitation not a 'bug'. :-/
You'll need to use some time of rechanneling for program changes to
include a bank select command. For example, when I'm in
editing/sequencing mode I just use Logic Audio to issue the
MSB/LSB/Prog commands to my ASR-X Pro sampler. This has the benefit
of allowing me to select programs in the ASR-X by name (and what a
pain in the butt that was to setup in advance.) When I'm in 'get the
idea down quickly' mode - I issue all my program changes manually.
If you're looking at using the AN1x as a controller in an extensive
rig of MIDI Module you ∗may∗ want to consider a MIDI Patch bay that
allows you to rechannel program change commands. Alternatively, you
could could always reprogram your AN1x & slave module(s) to respond
to your patch change commands in seq order.
At least this is how I'd go about it...Sayer has quite a bit of gear
- maybe he has a better idea :-)
Or, perhaps you already thought of all this and were just hoping the
AN1x accomodate CC 032 to get around it ;-)
--- In AN1x-list@y..., Bruce Wahler <bruce@a...> wrote:
> Jon,
> Thanks for the help. I checked the version, and it's v1.02. Your
> to message #2013 was helpful, and I sent a message to Yamaha to ask
> getting v1.04. I see that it corrects a couple of bugs in the
system; do
> you know if it corrects the problem with MIDI CC#32? (If you map
CC#32 to
> one of the Control sources -- MW, Knob 1-8, Foot Volume, etc. --
the AN1x
> will accept the value, but it will never send any data out on
> other valid CC#'s -- 1-31 and 33-96 seem to work fine. Kind of a
> because CC#32 is one of the few controls that doesn't have a native
> to the AN1x.)
> Regards,
> -BW
> --
> Bruce Wahler
> Design Consultant
> Ashby Solutions"
> www.ashbysolutions.com
> CloneWheel Support Group moderator
> 978.386.7389 voice
> 978.776.0096 fax
> bruce@a...